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Lütfiye Erciyas

Visual Artist - Painting

Lütfiye Erciyas, Working on a painting

Lütfiye Ercıyas




Web: Flı

Lütfiye Erciyas - Artist, Profil Photo

A Journey Through Color and Serenity

The turkish Artist Lutfiye Erciyas channels her inner grace into vibrant oil paintings, celebrating themes of calmness, gentleness, and joy. Avoiding depictions of suffering, her art radiates serenity and positivity. A retired English teacher with an international life journey, she honed her craft in workshops and exhibitions across Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey. Highlights include collaborations with renowned artists, group showcases at the Bahrain National Art Museum, and solo exhibitions in Jeddah. Now based in Kuşadası, she continues to create luminous works in her private studio, bringing beauty and tranquility to the canvas.

Can you tell us more about your artistic vision? How does your inner sense of calmness and radiance influence your work?


I do not feel like painting or creating anything at all when I may have some unsettled feelings and / or restless thoughts, and when my mind is stuck with some other “worldly” issue. Almost all the time I sit in front of a canvas, I feel peace and easiness inside. I usually play some classical music to further enhance the room, and even I catch myself smiling and daydreaming while working on a detail. So I can say that, when I don’t have a smile in my heart, I do not take the brush in my hand.

What role does color selection play in your paintings, and how do you choose the palette for a new piece?


I like to use bright and vibrant colors. When I start a new painting, I place the main colors on my palette according to its theme, so that the painting is as lively and calm, stimulating and soothing, relaxing and memorable as possible. When I complete the general patterns and outlines and move on to the details, I do not put any limits on the variety of colors. I especially like using shades of blue and green.

How have your experiences abroad, particularly in Bahrain and Saudi Arabia, shaped your art and artistic expression?​​

Lütfiye Erciyas working in her studio

In Bahrain, I met painters from different countries and cultures who paint in different styles and themes. Some of them were instrumental in my creating more original works.  Some of them made great contributions to my art in the technical field. The meetings and events at the American Women Association club of which I am a member have always left pleasant and vivid images in my memories. In Saudi Arabia, I was worried about how painting, especially the art of human figures, would be accepted, but the interest in the exhibitions I opened showed that my reservations were in vain. My stiffness in the first year was quickly replaced by ease and colorful, free-themed paintings.

Lütfiye Erciyas in Exhibition
Lütfiye Erciyas in Exhibition

Can you share your collaboration with Pieter Abraham Pienaar and the impressions that time left on you?


Pieter Abraham Pienaar and I learned a lot from each other in the field of painting techniques. We also had a lot in common when it came to colors and we did beautiful work together. As I mentioned above, I can say that Pieter also supported me in overcoming the reservations I had in the first year in Saudi Arabia and in painting with a greater freedom. The art exhibitions we opened together gave both of us very positive feedback.

Lütfiye Erciyas in Exhibition

What inspired you to avoid depicting suffering or pain in your paintings and focus on positive and harmonious themes instead?


This question asks me why I have focused at positive and harmonious themes in my paintings. As an artist, when I see the negativity in the world, I first of all know and see how negatively my own mood is affected. Being able to put a little smile on people's faces and some relief in their hearts in this complicated world makes me happy more than anything else. That's why I try not to reflect concepts such as pain, violence and negativity in my paintings. I especially love examining the faces of guests visiting my exhibition. While visiting my exhibition, the smile I see on a sullen person, and the light in his gaze make me happy.

What message do you want to convey with your artworks, and how do viewers typically respond to them?


I want people to see depth in my works. I don't like to convey any message. I like it when people who watch it make connections between their own inner selves and my paintings. If I find myself angry, broken or upset about something, I prefer not to get in front of the canvas, so that the negativity I feel does not contaminate my colors.

How did the group exhibitions in Eskişehir with Müjgan Özkaya Yılmaz and Jale Özkaya influence your art?


Each of my exhibitions, whether group or personal, has been a very enjoyable experience for me. The exhibitions we opened with Müjgan Özkaya Yılmaz

How do you experience the difference between painting in your private studio in Kuşadası and participating in international workshops?


As a result of working in international workshops, the pleasure of painting with artists who look at the world with different eyes is very enjoying. The complementary conversations we have with each other before finishing our paintings increase the quality of the resulting works and their connection with the world, and more universal subjects and themes emerge. Of course, a Turk, an Egyptian, a Dutchman, an Indian approach the same theme with very different backgrounds and techniques, and the result is works those envelope very nice surprises. Of course, working in my private workshop gives great pleasure. I can paint more freely, whenever I want, for as long as I want, and as much as I want. Since a person is more introverted when he / she is alone, he / she can more easily transfer what is in his / her soul to the canvas.

Lütfiye Erciyas ' Artwork

and Jale Özkaya not only added experience to me but also enabled me to take my perspective on my art to different dimensions. I benefited from both of their experiences, which were beyond my own, in very positive ways.


What plans do you have for the future of your art? Are there themes or techniques you would still like to explore?


Of course, it is great to plan for the future and take my art to other media. However, I find it difficult to think and implement these in the world we live in. There are still so many things I want to achieve.

Lütfiye Erciyas ' Artwork
Lütfiye Erciyas ' Artworks exhibited

How do you view the role of art in an increasingly digitalized world, and where does your painting fit in?


I touched on this issue, albeit a little, in the answer to your previous question. Truly, when art and technology come together, magnificent beauties emerge, but I guess I am one of those who prefer to see these beauties within the natural framework.

Is there anything else you would like to share with us?


I really enjoyed this beautiful interview and answering your wonderful questions; Thank you very much.

And we thank you for sharıng the insights of your Art Life with the world

Lütfiye Erciyas ' Artwork
Lütfiye Erciyas ' Artworks in Exhibition
Lütfiye Erciyas ' Artwork gets Certificate

Lütfiye Ercıyas

Interview conducted by Elke Lina Krüger

December 2024

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Şirket Sahibi: Prof.Dr. Yelda Özsunar

Address: ADU Teknokent, Zafer Mahallesi, Üniversite

Varyantı Caddesi, No: 78, EFELER, AYDIN / Turkey​​​

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