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Special Artist Opportunities


​Lumen Art Gallery offers the Solo Art Shows to help emerging and serious 2D and 3D artists (including photography and sculpture, ceramics) achieve the goal of advancing their art career. 

Solo Exhibition

A. Solo Exhibition

Be featured with your Art, show your Talent !


We invite  artists all over the world to submit to this great opportunity.
The selected artists will be featured on the Lumen Art Gallery website for two months with their artworks, artist photo, description of the exhibition, contact information and links to the artist's social media channels and website. After completion, the exhibition will remain as a YouTube exhibition video on the YouTube channel and on the website under Past Events.

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Spotlight Solo Show

Your Talent in Show!

Get your Stage for your Art and Artistic Life!


We invite  artists all over the world to submit to this great opportunity.

Spotlight Solo Show provides emerging artists with the opportunity and marketing tool to showcase a complete body of work.
The selected artists will be featured on the Lumen Art Gallery website for two months with their artworks, artist photo, description of the exhibition, Artist Biography and Statement and Interview, Contact informations and Links to the artist's social media channels and website. 

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Solo Spotlight Show

A Solo Exhibition / B Spotlight Solo Show

Terms & Conditions

Lumen Art Gallery offers the Solo Art Show to help emerging 2D and 3D artists (including photography and sculpture, ceramics) achieve the goal of advancing their art career.

Solo Art Shows provide emerging artists with the opportunity and marketing tool to showcase a complete body of work (from 10 to 25 images) in an individual, two-month solo art exhibition. You can choose between the Solo Exhibition and the Spotlight Solo Show.

Applications for a Solo Show / Spotlight Solo Show can be submitted at any time. Submissions will be reviewed and selected by our team of curators.
Submission is free, only the artists accepted for a solo exhibition will pay an administration fee in the 2 options offered:

A. Solo Exhibition
*10 artworks €26
*20 artworks €40

B. Spotlight Solo Exhibition
*10 artworks €38
*20 artworks €58
*with interview €80)

A. Solo Exhibition
The selected artists will be featured on the Lumen Art Gallery website for two months with their artworks, artist photo, exhibition description, contact information and links to the artist's social media channels and website. After completion, the exhibition will remain available as a YouTube exhibition video on the YouTube channel and on the website under "Past Events".

B. Spotlight Solo Exhibition
The selected artists will be featured on the Lumen Art Gallery website for two months with their artwork, artist photo, artist at work or studio photo, exhibition description, bio and statement, contact information and links to the artist's social media channels and website. If requested, an interview will be added that highlights the artist's personality, inspiration and creative processes.

After the two months, the exhibition will remain available to view as a YouTube exhibition video on the YouTube channel and website under "Past Events".

In addition, the artists in both "Solo Exhibitions" will receive extensive promotion worldwide in the form of email marketing, event announcements and extensive social media marketing and advertising to make the art world aware of the artists' solo exhibition. This type of promotion is invaluable to the career of any serious artist.

The selection process includes not only the quality and depth of the artist's artwork, but also an assessment of the overall presentation of the artist's biography and artist statement included in the entry package. Requesting a full entry package gives the artist the opportunity to create and refine their artist statement and biography.

Application Requirements

There should be a harmony between the selected artworks, something that all of those artworks have as a common factor.

This can be:

1. Category: e.g. ceramics, sculptures, watercolors, charcoal drawings, lithographs, or collages

2. Style: e.g. impressionistic, expressionistic, urban, figurative, abstract, and more

3. Subject: e.g. animals, people, landscapes, street scenes, structures, etc.

4. Colors: e.g. dominant primary colors, all pastel or monochrome

Your artwork must all be original and created by you. AI-generated images will not be accepted. Violent, pornographic, sexist or racist themes will be rejected!

The photos of your artwork should only show it, no frames, no wall around it or other objects or people.

The photos should be in JPG or PNG format and high resolution, no larger than 10MB.

You can send your works and work materials via  WeTransfer

to our email address:

Please indicate in the subject line the solo exhibition A or B you are applying for.

Required for:

A. Solo Exhibition:
- Artist's first and last name
- Email address
- Country of residence
- Website
- Social media links

- 2-3 portrait photos of the artist
- 15/25 images of the artwork

(we will ask you for a few more artworks so we can choose the best ones to optimize your exhibition)


B. Spotlight Solo Exhibition:
- Artist's first and last name
- Email address
- Country of residence
- Website
- Social media links
- Artist statement
- Biography

- If you opted for the interview, we will send you an email with the interview questions, which you will send back with
   your answers

- 2-3 portrait photos of the artist
- 4-6 photos in your studio, at work or in exhibitions
- 15/25 photos of the artwork

(we will ask you for a few more artworks so we can choose the best ones to optimize your exhibition)

Solo Shows






thank you for subription

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Curator  Team

Gülnur Çavuş

Elke Lina Krüger

Nasrah Nefer

Faruk Olgaç


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© 2025 Lumen Art Gallery

Evrensel Senfoni Sağlık Bahcesi Ltd. Şti

Şirket Sahibi: Prof.Dr. Yelda Özsunar

Address: ADU Teknokent, Zafer Mahallesi, Üniversite

Varyantı Caddesi, No: 78, EFELER, AYDIN / Turkey​​​

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